Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Round-Up: Women in Ministry, The Role of Sin, Doubt, and Art

Here's some great articles I've read recently:

Men Changing Views on Women (in Ministry): A nice article about the movement of men from a complementarian perspective to an egalitarian theology, where women are allowed and encouraged to be in leadership.

No, It's Not God's Will: A short post emphasizing how fatalistic thinking emphasizing sin can be damaging. It also discusses what my problem is with the New Calvinism, in that everything that happens is viewed as being part of God's will. It's not.

How Does God See Me In The Midst of Sin: This is a great post and video exploring people's reactions when asked how God reacts to them despite sin. The video is very good. I think this, again, emphasizes the limitations of focusing primarily on sin, which really is not the center of the Gospel. Our relationship with God is.

Philip Yancey on Doubt: Excellent article exploring the role of doubt and its relationship to apologetics, both of which have been featured on this blog. One of the best quotes from the article, I think, is, "I ask the same questions, but quite frankly, the biggest encouragement to my faith has not been losing an argument or winning an argument; the biggest encouragement to my faith is seeing it lived out in real life."

New Reformed Movement- Grassroots or Astroturf?: An article from last month that I just discovered poking some holes in the idea that the New Calvinism is really as popular as many claim it to be. Basically, as Jethani says, it seems like the popularity has more to do with a desire for certainty than anything else.

Pop Art: This is not terribly relevant to this blog, but just plain cool (maybe it's relevant by remembering the beauty God has put around us that we don't see--like my attempts? :) ). An artist has taken pictures at 1/40,000 of a second at the moment a water balloon pops. You've got to see the images!

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